JA T3 Framework 2.0 for Joomla! 1.6 has been up and running for the past 2 weeks now. We have silently rolled out the private beta when Joomla! 1.6 is at beta 9, and the release of stable version 1.0.0 have been running smoothly on 1.6 Beta 10.
Today, along with the the release of Beta 11, we decide to announce the official release of our JAT3 framework for Joomla! 1.6.

Similar to the version for Joomla! 1.5, the package consists of the framework plugin, the Blank template and a Typo plugin. Take a look at the live demo to see how it is running on Joomla! 1.6 Beta 11.
We have developed T3 plugin native to Joomla! 1.6 to avoid compatibility issues. Note that T3 for J1.6 and J1.5 are two independent plugins.

As of September 2010, JA T3 for J1.5 is powering 16 of our latest club templates running on Joomla! 1.5. We are going to update our JA T3 Blank template and all of T3 Framework 2.0 based templates to be Joomla! 1.6 ready, as soon as Joomla! 1.6 is released as Release Candidate. Comparing both versions, you will barely find any code changes. All updated templates will have only very minor CSS/HTML adjustments. Why?
The reason is that we had Joomla! 1.6 version in mind when we were developing JAT3 Framework for Joomla! 1.5. We applied the framework for J1.6 Alpha and had the chance to see how it would fit and adapt it's features for the final version. The result, users don't need to do many adjustments to the new template when they upgrade their websites to Joomla! 1.6
Our framework is based on semantic HTML/CSS skeleton which is used by both versions for Joomla! 1.5 and for Joomla! 1.6. In short, if your template is based on JA T3 framework 2.0 you are already prepared for a potential Joomla! 1.6 upgrade without any headaches.
Don't believe? Then take a look a a comparision of the code changes for. Most of css file stay untouched. And you wont see much difference between this and this.
Grab a copy and start coding your Joomla! 1.6 template today.

JAT3 Framework is the third generation template framework developed by JoomlArt for Joomla! There is also a JDT3 Framework version developed for Drupal.
Learn more about JAT3's powerful features at: http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview