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  • gatsu000 Friend

    Is there a way to make the images that rotate in your Slideshow clickable? so that customers that are interested in the highlighted slide can read more about it?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi gatsu000,

    Please try with my guide:

    In Administrator, go to Extensions -> Module manager to edit the jaslideshow module.
    In the edit page, at Parameters box, select:
    + Show description to Yes
    + Description parameters:
    sl-1.jpg:url=your link
    sl-2.jpg:url=your link
    sl-3.jpg:url=your link
    sl-4.jpg:url=your link
    sl-5.jpg:url=your link

    I send you the attachment file. Please see this file for your configuration.

    1. config_jaslideshow_clickable
    triangleguy Friend


    I have tried this according to the user guide and to the answered post, but it is still not working. This is what I have inserted:

    <h3>ASJA Annual Conference nears</h3>
    <p>Annual gathering for university judicial officers February 4-7, 2009 in Clearwater Beach, FL.</p>

    But when I click the image, it just refreshes the page (http://collegediscipline.com). Might you assist?


    Anonymous Moderator

    Please send me your admin account.
    When i go to the your website, I saw an notice: In just days the new site will be unveiled…Stay tuned!

    bonevier Friend


    I’ve had this problem with my site. The problem is that if you have a “=” or any other symbol in your link, the Slideshow module can’t properly process it, which leaves you with a simple index refresh.

    I had to install the sh404SEF (link to component below)


    This rewrites Virtuemart url:s to a user-friendly format. After copying THAT link into Slideshow, everything works perfect!

    markb1439 Friend

    In the past I was not able to make slideshows clickable, so I utilized the YOOcarousel module instead of the slideshow module. If you have access to the carousel, it can replace it perfectly. But I had not tried the suggestions above…I will give that a shot too.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi triangleguy,

    Please try to download and install the lastest module again. I have checked the ja slideshow on your site and saw that this module is old.

    triangleguy Friend

    Where might I be able to download the newer version of ja slideshow? What I downloaded was part of the quickstart template; I assumed it was the latest version.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi triangleguy,

    You can download this quickstart template and check the ja slideshow module again.

    dgosijek Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 106208 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi gatsu000,

    Please try with my guide:

    In Administrator, go to Extensions -> Module manager to edit the jaslideshow module.
    In the edit page, at Parameters box, select:
    + Show description to Yes
    + Description parameters:
    sl-1.jpg:url=your link
    sl-2.jpg:url=your link
    sl-3.jpg:url=your link
    sl-4.jpg:url=your link
    sl-5.jpg:url=your link

    I send you the attachment file. Please see this file for your configuration.</blockquote>

    That is ok. And working good, but how to get (open in new window)?


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi dgosijek,

    Current this module does not support your idea.

    I am sorry for not being of much help in this case.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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