
JM Product List Module - Magento Platform Extensions


The module JM Product List is developed from scratch to generate static product layout where you can easily organize products list for Magento platform. The list bases on common product attribute sets like Latest, Feature, Best Buy, Most Viewed, Most Reviewed, Top Rated. You can easily change the number of products to be displayed in front page.

Even though, the module comes as a small-scaled add-on, it will be handy to create product showcase in any page you like as well as turn it on/off occasonally to adapt to seasonal sales time. JM Product List is now built in the template JM Mesolite by default; However, you can install this single module into your Magento shop simply with just a few steps.

Main Features

  • Displaying products from any category.
  • Localizing wide types of product.
  • Items devided in Multi Columns.
  • Displaying related products in the same category.