JA Extensions Manager Introduction
Quick Info
- Updated on:24 Nov, 2022
- Version:2.7.5 Changelog
- Download:6,778
JoomlArt is proud to introduce JA Extensions Manager, a brand new component for Joomla .The component aims to bring a new way to manage extensions: upgrade, rollback, remote install, internal repository and compare versions.
Our development team promised to transform old extensions management into a new and modern one. The component has its roots in the Joomla Extensions Manager, but it comes with new features to speed up and ease the processes.
- Internal Repository
- Updates Checker
- Version Comparison
- Upgrade and Back-up User Setup
- Remote Install and Upgrade
- AJAX Technology
Main Features
Internal repository
- Store multiple versions of your extensions packs in the repository
- Each pack contain both original files and modified by user
- Repository also stores the database for any of the content extensions
Updates checker
- For each of your extension, you can easily check for updates
- If you uploaded a new version for an extension in the repository, click "Check for updates" and the component will show up "New version is available".
- If your extension is configured to use external update service, it will search for updates on developer repository.
Version comparison
- Compare files from user setup with the new version files
- Compare files content
- Highlight new files, changed by developer, changed by user, deleted by developer, modified by both developer and user
Upgrade and back-up user setup
- After the comparison of the user setup with latest version, click "Update" for the extension
- Re-apply user customization and check for any malfunctions caused by the code changes
- Roll-back to the previous setup if the update and customizations reapplied don't work properly
Remote install and upgrade
- Configure external update service and login to your desired extension's website with JA Extensions Manager interface to access downloads.
- You can upload extensions from a remote address and the repository will keep the installation package in the jaextmanager_data folder for future usage.
- Repository will keep both initial user setup before the update and the new version of the extension to allow user to easily rollback later.
- When you apply customizations to the new version, and then rollback, this new and customized version will be also stored in the repository.
AJAX technology
- Checking for updates, updating, uploading new versions, all operations controlled via AJAX technologies, no complete page refreshing.
- Updating extensions now makes it possible to save bandwidth too.
Joomla 4 extensions update extension
Joomla 4 stable is out with huge updates and improvements. The extension is updated to fully support the latest Joomla version. Install and set it up on your Joomla 4 website.
JA Extension Manager - Video tutorial
JA Extension Manager component is free Joomla extension for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3. It's used to manage your Joomla extensions easily: remote installation, checking for update, comparing versions and files, upgrading, backup and uploading.
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