JoomlArt's Blog

Joomla Tutorials, info, Discussions and much more...

It's August 2015, and Joomla! is 10 years young now.

It's a lot of hard work of thousands of people over the past 10 years to create million websites running Joomla! to change the world. Ten years of Joomla may be just a blink of an eye in human history, but it's one of the greatest time of our lives, the Joomla community. Words can't describe our feelings! This is an enormous event. We have the first 10 years and foresee many years ahead.


Update: This offer has expired.

Here comes the 4th of July and JoomlArt would like to wish you all our friends in the United States a Happy Independence Day. We want to send you our little present this day to all users.
