

JA JobBoard for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 documentation

Thank you very much for choosing JA Job Board component to start your Job Board business. JA Job Board is a highly functional and easy to use component for administrator who have the least knowledge of code & technical issues to administrate effectively and manage day-to-day operations of the Job Board site as well as all users' performances, affirming your site as one of the best within your industries.

You could find that all your questions in terms of Installation steps, Administration & management Tips have been thoroughly answered at the three following guidelines:

For the stable and effective operations of the whole Job Board site in terms of technical issues and user work flow, we highly recommend you as webmaster/super administrator to create different types of administrator whose relevant tasks and operations are recommended and described as follow:

  • For a website administrator who is in charge of general day-to-day operation and maintenance of the website without deep insight into code and technical development, you will be concerned about How to manage & approve jobs listing, How to approve and manage users, How to revise the relevant subscription and permission, How to revise a few Global settings. These tasks will be thoroughly answered via step by step guidelines with clear screen shots for your convenience from number 1 to number 4.
    1. Managing jobs
    2. Managing users
    3. Editing Subscription and Permission
    4. Editing Global setting
  • For a website administrator who is proficient in a range of programming languages, including PHP, but may be less familiar with such things as JavaScript or CSS., you will be able and tasked with altering or extending the functionality of Joomla! or one of its extensions. Thus causing drastic changes of the site performances. You should be in charge of the following tasks to ensure the JA Job board works smoothly.
    1. Revamping technical settings
    2. Resetting the Language
    3. Revising system email template
    4. Getting system forms customized
  • To change the site appearance, a web designer should be assigned to take care of. You may be contracted to supply just a template or set of templates, or you may be asked to deliver a complete working website. You are likely to be increasingly concerned with issues of accessibility and will probably want to ensure that your designs pass various standard tests.
    1. Getting the site templates customized
    2. Getting CSS code customized

You can download the latest version from Joomlart forums

JA Job board component follows server's requirement of Joomla 2.5.x.

  • Server requirements: PHP 5.2.4 or above, MySQL 5.0.4 or above, Joomla! 2.5.x;
  • Client requirements: Firefox 3.5.x or above, Internet Explorer 8 or above.

Click HEREto view more detail about server's requirement.

Please refer to our Project Management portal for JA Job Board for all release notes, changelog & road map: HERE


Please refer to upgrade for more information about how to upgrade.