Logo customization

How to change logo image, customize logo size, changing logo alignment for a Joomla site

You can customize logo such as changing logo image, logo alignment, logo size, etc

1. Change logo image

#1: upload new logo image

Upload your new logo image to templates/ja_template/images/.

#2: replace logo image

logo image

Normally, the style of logo is included in the template.css file in templates/ja_template/css, open that file and find the code like this:

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	width: 220px;	
	height: 56px;

Now replace with your new logo

logo image

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/new-logo.png) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	width: 220px;	
	height: 56px;

When replace logo, you may have to change the logo size. To customize logo size, please open file in templates/ja_template/css/template.css, find the style for logo then customize its size.

/* Logo Image ---*/
h1.logo {
  width: 290px;
  height: 56px;

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	width: 290px;	
	height: 56px;

logo image

By default, both logo image and logo text are declared in <h1> tag, you can change it to other heading tags such as <h3>, <h4>

Here are the how-to steps:

#1: change heading tag in header block file

Open the file in plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\default\blocks\header.php, you will see the logo is declared in this file. Change the <h1> to the heading tag you wish

logo image

<h4 class="logo">
<a href="/<?php JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $siteName; ?></span></a>
<?php else:
$logoText = (trim($this->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $siteName : JText::_(trim($this->getParam('logoText')));
$sloganText = JText::_(trim($this->getParam('sloganText'))); ?>
<div class="logo-text">
<h4><a href="/<?php JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $logoText; ?></span></a></h4>
<p class="site-slogan"><?php echo $sloganText;?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

#2: change heading tag in template.css file of JA T3 plugin

Open the file in plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\css\template.css, change the <h1> to the heading tag you wish

logo image

h4.logo, div.logo-text h4 { }

h4.logo, div.logo-text { float: left; position: relative; z-index: 1; }

/* Logo Image ---*/
h4.logo { height: 28px; width: 184px; }

h4.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo-t3.gif) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	height: 28px;
	width: 184px;

h4.logo a span { position: absolute; top: -1000px; }

/* Logo Text ---*/
div.logo-text { margin-top: 8px; }

div.logo-text h4 a { text-decoration: none; }

p.site-slogan { display: block; font-size: 85%; margin: 8px 0 0; padding: 0 5px; }

#3: change heading tag in template.css file of JA template

Open the file in templates\ja_template\css\template.css, change the <h1> to the heading tag you wish

logo image

h4.logo, div.logo-text h4 {
  font-size: 250%;
  line-height: 1;
  margin-left: 10px;

/* Logo Image ---*/
h4.logo {
  width: 220px;
  height: 56px;

h4.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	width: 220px;	
	height: 56px;

/* Logo Text ---*/
div.logo-text h4 {
	font-size: 200%;
	font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
	font-weight: bold;

div.logo-text h4 a {
	text-decoration: none;

p.site-slogan {
	color: #ccc;
	display: block;
	font-size: 85%;
	margin: 3px 0 0;
	padding: 0 10px;
	text-transform: uppercase;

Now check how it's changed.

logo image

T3 framework allows you to replace logo easily: through back-end or change path to new logo image.

Through JA Template back-end manager

Access back-end setting of any JA Template style, open the Theme tab, select logo image type then browse your logo image that will replace your current logo.

replace t3 logo

The logo is only replaced for current template style. If you want to replace logo in all template styles, you have to repeat the process in other template styles.

Change path to new logo image

The easiest way to change logo is overriding current logo with new logo. By default, the logo image file is logo.png, override the file and it's done.

An other way is uploading your logo image file to to your site hosting. Next, open the file in templates/ja_template/less/variables.less then change the default logo image path to the one you just uploaded.

replace t3 logo

// T3 LOGO
// --------------------------------------------------
@t3-logo-image:               "@{t3-image-path}/logo.png";

// --------------------------------------------------
@t3-image-path:                 "../images";

The docs is for templates developed with T3 Framework. In the docs, we implement in JA Bookshop

#1: Change logo block size

By default, Logo of templates developed with T3 Framework is declared in the templates/ja_template/tpls/blocks/header.php file. Open the file and you will see how Logo is declared.

change logo block size

<!-- LOGO -->
<div class="col-xs-12 <?php echo $logosize ?> logo col-sm-6">
<div class="logo-<?php echo $logotype ?>">
<a href="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
<?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
<img class="logo-img" src="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimage ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>
<small class="site-slogan hidden-xs"><?php echo $slogan ?></small>
<!-- //LOGO -->

You can change the logo block size on responsive layouts by changing the values of col-ms-, col-xs- and col-md-

  • col-xs- size on extra small screens like mobile
  • col-ms- size on small screens like tablet
  • col-md- size on medium screen like desktop

#2: Change logo size

Open file in templates/ja_template/less/style.less, find the style for logo image - .logo-image

change logo size

// Logo Image
// ----------
.logo-image {
  width: 250px;
  height: 30px;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: (@t3-global-margin/4) (@t3-global-margin * 2) (@t3-global-margin / 4) @t3-global-margin;
  //hide sitename and slogan
  span, small {
    display: none;

  @media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
    margin: (@t3-global-margin / 2) (@t3-global-margin * 2) (@t3-global-margin / 2) (@t3-global-margin * 3);

Now change the values of width and height.

#3: Change logo alignment

In the style.less file, add text-align style for the .logo-image.

change logo size

// Logo Image
// ----------
.logo-image {
  width: 250px;
  height: 30px;
  text-align: center;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: (@t3-global-margin/4) (@t3-global-margin * 2) (@t3-global-margin / 4) @t3-global-margin;
  //hide sitename and slogan
  span, small {
    display: none;

See the front-page

change logo size

Check out video tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qh7ZClcLU4

The docs is for templates developed with T3 Framework. In the docs, we implement in JA Bookshop

By default, Logo of templates developed with T3 Framework is declared in the file: templates/ja_template/tpls/blocks/header.php, so let's open the file.

change logo size

<!-- LOGO -->
<div class="col-xs-12 <?php echo $logosize ?> logo col-sm-6">
<div class="logo-<?php echo $logotype ?>">
<a href="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
<?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
<img class="logo-img" src="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimage ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>
<small class="site-slogan hidden-xs"><?php echo $slogan ?></small>
<!-- //LOGO -->

Check front-page

remove logo

For a multilingual site, you can set different logos for different languages.

1. For templates developed with JA T3v2 framework

#1. Detect logo for different languages

Open the file: templates/ja_template/blocks/header.php. If you don't have the file, please copy the file: plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\default\blocks\header.php.

detect logo for languages

When you open the file, find the code like this:

<img src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE.'/images/logo-trans.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />

Replace the code with:

<?php if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()=="en-GB"):?>
<img src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE.'/images/logo-trans_en.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<?php else: ?>
<img src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE.'/images/logo-trans_another.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<? endif; ?>

Replace path to logos for each language.

#2. Remove logo background style in template.css of template

Open file file: templates/ja_template/css/template.css, find the style of logo, remove the background: url(../); style.

remove logo background

Find the logo style like this:

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	height: 28px;
	width: 184px;

Remove background style

h1.logo a {
	display: block;
	height: 28px;
	width: 184px;

#3. Remove logo background style in template.css of t3 plugin

Open the file: plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\default\css\template.css, find the style of logo, remove the background: url(../); style.

remove background style

Find the logo style like this:

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo-t3.gif) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	height: 28px;
	width: 184px;

Remove background style

h1.logo a {
	background: url(../images/logo-t3.gif) no-repeat left;
	display: block;
	height: 28px;
	width: 184px;

Now check front-page.

Multiple site logo

2. For templates developed with T3 framework

Open the file: templates/ja_template/blocks/header.php. If you don't have the file, please copy the file: plugins\system\jat3\jat3\base-themes\default\blocks\header.php.

detect logo for languages

When you open the file, find the code:

<a href="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
<?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
<img class="logo-img" src="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimage ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($logoimgsm) : ?>
<img class="logo-img-sm" src="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimgsm ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
<?php endif ?>
<span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>

Replace the code:

<a href="/<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
<?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
<?php if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()=="en-GB"):?>
<img class="logo-img" src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_TEMPLATE . '/images/logo.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<?php else: ?>
<img src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_TEMPLATE . '/images/logo-mobile.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<? endif; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if($logoimgsm) : ?>
<?php if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()=="en-GB"):?>
<img class="logo-img-sm" src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_TEMPLATE . '/images/logo.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<?php else: ?>
<img src="/<?php echo 'templates/'.T3_TEMPLATE . '/images/logo-mobile.png' ?>" alt="<?php echo $siteName; ?>" />
<? endif; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>

Check front-page

change logo for languages