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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More
JA Alumni

Responsive Joomla template for Alumni and University website

The section will help you with steps to install JA Alumni template - Quickstart and Manual installation.

System requirement

JA Alumni template is native with Joomla 3. Please make sure your system meets the following requirements:


  • Software: PHP (Magic Quotes GPC off): 5.3.1 + (5.4+ recommended)


  • MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+
  • MSSQL 10.50.1600.1+
  • PostgreSQL 8.3.18+

Web Severs

  • Apache 2.x+
  • Microsoft IIS 7
  • Nginx 1.0 (1.1 recommended)

Browser requirement

  • Firefox 4+
  • IE (Internet Explorer) 8+
  • Google Chrome 10+
  • Opera 10+
  • Safari 5+

Development Environment

During development process, Localhost is preferred. You can use the following servers on your PC to develop your site.


  • XAMPP for Windows


  • LAMP Bubdle
  • XAMPP for Linux

Mac OS

  • MAMP & MAMP Pro
  • XAMPP for Mac OS

Download packages


1. JA Alumni template is built on T3 Framework so it requires T3 Framework to be installed and enabled in your system.
2. We highly recommend you to use stable version of Joomla 3.

Download Packages

The download package includes:

  • Quickstart package
  • JA Alumni template
  • JA Login Module
  • JA Content type plugin
  • T3 Framework plugin
  • JA Masthead Module
  • JA Advanced Custom Module
  • JA Google Map plugin
  • Source file

Download now

Quickstart installation

Why Quickstart

The quickstart allows you to replicate JA Alumni demo to your server. It means, after install the quickstart, you will have a site exactly the same as the demo site.

Download JA Alumni quickstart package →, upload to your server and extract it.

Step 1 - Configuration: add Site name, Admin email, Admin username and password

Step 2 - Database: select database type, host name, database username, password, database name & table prefix

Step 3 - Overview: select sample data to install, we suggest to use Default English (GB) Sample Data. You can install multilingual in the step.

Step 4 - Remove/Rename "installation" folder: for security purpose, you need to rename or remove the "installation" folder

Detail documentation with screenshots

Manual Installation

Install T3 Framework

Step 1 - Install T3 Framework

From your back-end setting panel, go to: "Extensions → Extension Manager", browse T3 plugin installation package then hit the "Upload and Install"

install t3 framework plugin

Step 2 - Enable T3 Framework

When you install T3 Framework, it's auto enabled by default. You can check this by going to: "Extensions → Plugin Manager" then find T3 Plugin.

Install JA Alumni template

Step 1 - Install JA Alumni template

From your back-end setting panel, go to: "Extensions → Extension Manager", browse JA Alumni template installation package then hit the "Upload and Install"

Install JA Alumni template

Step 2 - Set default template style

Go to: "Extensions → Template Manager", set JA Alumni template style as your default template style.

Set JA Alumni template as default template style

Install all supported extensions

  • JA Masthead Module
  • JA Login module
  • JA Content type plugin
  • JA Google Map plugin
  • JA Advanced Custom Module

Template folder structure

This section is to help you understand the folder structure of JA Alumni template, where to find the files you want.

JA Alumni template

JA Alumni template is built on T3 Framework so its folder structure is almost the same with any other JA Templates that are developed with T3 Framework.

+-- less/                 /*  all LESS files */ 
¦    +-- template.less
¦    +-- style.less
¦    +-- home.less
¦    +-- joomla.less
¦    +-- themes/            /*theme folders and theme files */
+-- css/                     /*compiled files from less*/
¦    +-- template.css
¦    +-- style.css
¦    +-- home.css
¦    +-- joomla.css
¦    +-- themes/            /*Compiled themes */
+-- tpls/             /* all layout files and block files*/
¦    +-- default.php
¦    +-- blocks/       /*block files*/
¦    ¦    +-- header.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody.php
¦    ¦    +-- off-canvas.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody-content-left.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody-content-right.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody-home-1.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody-home-2.php
¦    ¦    +-- masthead.php
¦    ¦    +-- spotlight-1.php
¦    ¦    +-- topbar.php
¦    ¦    +-- navhelper.php
¦    ¦    +-- footer.php
¦    ¦    +-- mainbody/
+-- acm/               /*JA Advanced Custom Module content type*/
¦    +-- slideshow/
¦    ¦    +-- config.xml
¦    ¦    +-- css/
¦    ¦    +-- less/
¦    ¦    +-- tmpl/
¦    ¦    +-- js/
¦    +-- spotlight/
¦    +-- cta/
¦    +-- features-intro/
¦    +-- hero/
¦    +-- statistics/
+-- html/               /*override modules and Joomla com_content*/
¦    +-- com_content/
¦    ¦    +-- article/
¦    ¦    +-- categories/
¦    +-- com_contact/
¦    +-- layouts/
¦    +-- ...
+-- contenttype/ 
¦    +-- fields/
¦    +-- types/
¦    ¦    +-- event.xml
¦    ¦    +-- video.xml
+-- fonts/ 
¦    +-- font-awesome/
¦    ¦    +-- css/
¦    ¦    +-- fonts/
+-- js/ 
¦    +-- script.js
¦    +-- owl-carousel/
+-- images/
+-- language/
+-- templateDetails.xml  
+-- templateInfo.php/
+-- thememagic.xml/     /*the file is to add new group, parameters to ThemeMagic*/
+-- templateHook.php/

T3 Framework

You can find the folder structure of T3 Framewotk at:

This section will help you build default Joomla pages the same as JA Alumni demo site.

Home page

JA Alumni template layout

View Full Image

Here is instruction to create the same Home page

Step 1 - Create Home menu item

Go to Menu » Main menu, add new menu item, select Articles » Featured Articles menu type and assign "ja_brickstore - Full Width + Vertical" template style.

Create home menu item

Step 2 - Assign content to the homepage

Content of Home page is loaded from modules. Here is the detail configuration of each module.

1. Slideshow - JA ACM Module - Position: "slideshow"

Create Slideshow module

  1. Module position: slideshow
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

2. Populars articles module

Popular articles module

  1. Module position: spotlight-tp-1
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED
  3. Alternative layout: popularlist

3. Statistics Module

Statistics module

  1. Module position: spotlight-tp-2
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

4. Intro Module

Intro section

  1. Module position: spotlight-tp-1
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

5. Features Intro Module

Features intro section

  1. Module position: spotlight-tp-1
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

You can use the sample data to quickly replicate the module setting. Hit the "Advanced" button options bar then paste the ACM Data.

  1. {":type":"ja_alumni:features-intro","features-intro":{"jatools-layout-features-intro":"style-1","features-intro[columns]":["4"],"features-intro[data]":{"features-intro[data][img]":["images/joomlart/features_intro/item1.jpg","images/joomlart/features_intro/item3.jpg","images/joomlart/features_intro/item2.jpg","images/joomlart/features_intro/item4.jpg"],"features-intro[data][title]":["Current Students","Future Students","Research Students","Graduates Students"],"features-intro[data][description]":["Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from\n((ul))\t((li))((a href=\"#\"))Checking Message((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Update my information((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Join with alumni forum((/a))((/li))((/li))((/ul))","Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from\n((ul))\t((li))((a href=\"#\"))Checking Message((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Update my information((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Search alumni directory((/a))((/li))((/ul))","Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from\n((ul))\t((li))((a href=\"#\"))Checking Message((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Update my information((/a))((/li))((/ul))","Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from\n((ul))\t((li))((a href=\"#\"))Checking Message((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Update my information((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Join with alumni forum((/a))((/li))((li))((a href=\"#\"))Search alumni directory((/a))((/li))((/ul))"],"features-intro[data][features-links]":["","","",""],"features-intro[data][features-button]":["Login to alumni dashboard","Login to alumni dashboard","Login to alumni dashboard","Login to alumni dashboard"],"rows":4,"cols":6,"type":"list"}}}

6. Lastest News: Articles - LatestModule

Latest news section

  1. Module position: spotlight-bt-1
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED
  3. Alternative layout: recentlylist

7. Upcoming Events: Articles - LatestModule

Upcoming events module

  1. Module position: spotlight-bt-2
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED
  3. Alternative layout: event

8. Articles - Category Module

Article category module

  1. Module position: spotlight-bt-3
  2. Module Suffix: mod-primary
  3. Alternative layout: stories

9. Holistic Education for Tomorow's Leaders - JA ACM Module

Holistic Education module section

  1. Module position: sections
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

You can use the sample data to quickly replicate the module setting. Hit the "Advanced" button options bar then paste the ACM Data.

  1. {":type":"ja_alumni:cta","cta":{"jatools-layout-cta":"style-1","cta[block-intro]":["Diverse and talented workforce has helped to grow our capabilities and uphold our brand values. They solve the most complex problems with a forward-thinking power. "],"cta[block-extra-class]":[" bg-image no-padding"],"cta[item-align]":["col-xs-12 col-md-6 pull-left"],"cta[style]":["dark"],"cta[img]":["images/joomlart/news/image-46.jpg"],"cta[data]":{"cta[data][button]":["Learn More"],"cta[data][link]":["#"],"cta[data][button_class]":["btn btn-border btn-inverse"],"rows":1,"cols":4,"type":"list"}}}

10. What makes us different? - JA ACM Module

What make us different module

  1. Module position: sections
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

You can use the sample data to quickly replicate the module setting. Hit the "Advanced" button options bar then paste the ACM Data.

  1. {":type":"ja_alumni:features-intro","features-intro":{"jatools-layout-features-intro":"style-2","features-intro[block-intro]":["Suspendisse ex justo, lacinia nec iverra bel, lacinia id lorem. \nSed turpis eget sem accumsan viverra"],"features-intro[full-width]":["0"],"features-intro[columns]":["3"],"features-intro[data]":{"features-intro[data][font-icon]":["","",""],"features-intro[data][img-icon]":["images/joomlart/features_intro/img-icon-1.png","images/joomlart/features_intro/img-icon-2.png","images/joomlart/features_intro/img-icon-3.png"],"features-intro[data][title]":["Innovation","Research & Business","Academic Rigor"],"features-intro[data][description]":["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, natum aeterno sanctus ei per, fastidii rquatos nam ex. An per quando ornatus iaculis lacinia sapien platonem prodesset.","Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, natum aeterno sanctus ei per, fastidii rquatos nam ex. An per quando ornatus iaculis lacinia sapien platonem prodesset.","Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, natum aeterno sanctus ei per, fastidii rquatos nam ex. An per quando ornatus iaculis lacinia sapien platonem prodesset."],"features-intro[data][features-button]":["More info","More info","More info"],"features-intro[data][btn-link]":["#","#","#"],"rows":3,"cols":7,"type":"list"}}}

11. Newsletter - Acymailing

Newsletter module

  1. Module position: footer-mail
  2. Module Suffix: NOT USED

Coming soon

Coming soon

Documentation is a WIP. If you have any specific request or feedback as well as suggestions, feel free to drop us a line in JA Brickstore template forum. We'll try to cover them all.

Let us know in the forum