JA Mers

Joomla onepage template for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3

JA Mers is compatible with Joomla 3 and Joomla 2.5. Please make sure your system meets the following requirements:

Joomla 3 System requirement


  • PHP (Magic Quotes GPC off): 5.3.1 + (5.4+ recommended)


  • MySQL(InnoDB support required): 5.1+
  • MSSQL 10.50.1600.1+
  • PostgreSQL 8.3.18+

Web Severs

  • Apache 2.x+
  • Microsoft IIS 7
  • Nginx 1.0 (1.1 recommended)

Joomla 2.5+ system requirement


  • PHP 5.2.4+ (5.4+ recommended)
  • MySQL: 5.0.4+

Web Sever

  • Apache: 2.x+
  • Microsoft: IIS 7
  • Nginx: 1.0 (1.1 recommended)

Browser requirement

The requirements are the same with both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3

  • Firefox 4+
  • IE (Internet Explorer) 8+
  • Google Chrome 10+
  • Opera 10+
  • Safari 5+

Development Environment

The requirements are the same with both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3

During development process, Localhost is preferred. You can use the following servers on your PC to develop your site.


  • XAMPP for Windows


  • LAMP Bubdle
  • XAMPP for Linux

Mac OS

  • MAMP & MAMP Pro
  • XAMPP for Mac OS

1. Get to Know Your Template

  • Everyone should read the Template's Overview Article! This is a quick and complete overview of the template, from the colors included, to all of the powerful Joomlart complimentary extensions that come with it. You'll also find links to the LIVE Demo Site, the Download area, as well as the Forum where you can ask questions.
  • Need Help Getting Around Joomlart.com? We've created a QUICK ACCESS GUIDE for helping you to become a Joomlart Power User. This is a wonderful reference, full of tips on how to quickly find the template info, demo sites, module position guides and more. We don't want you to miss a thing!

2. Download Template and Extensions

Check download folder for the Quickstart, Template zip and other complimentary extensions zip files.

Plan your website Development.

  • Making a New Site ? - If you are planning to make a new site, use our Quickstart package to clone the demo site and replace the demo content with yours. Check How to install Quickstart Package.
  • Installing on your live site ? - If you are planning to use this template on your already live site, read How to make your site look like demo site guide first to know about the steps involved. Then you can follow the userguide below.

The user guide covers the following aspects:

  • Installing Template on your Joomla system
  • Installing T3 Framework 2 Plugin
  • Installing complimentary / included extensions
  • Custom HTML Modules
  • Using Template Typography
  • K2 Configuration
  • Mega Menu configs

3. Install the Template

  • Browse and Download: Go to the Download page of JA Mers and download the Template zip file. Refer to this screenshot for the overview of the download folder.
  • Install the Template: Now install the Template on your Joomla 2.5 system. Follow this guide if you are not familiar with the installation procedure.

If you are new to Joomla installation procedure, please check the following documentation. This guide will show you step by step instructions to install Template and Extensions to your Joomla 2.5 and 3 system.

Detail Documentation

Template Configuration

JA Mers template will be installed with the settings used on the demo website, so you can postpone the configuration until you complete the setup (install other modules / plugins used in the demo website).

Once completed the setup, you can come back to the template back-end and check the various options for customizing your template. Refer to this Universal T3 V2 Back-end Config Guide for options on how to customize your installed template.

Please note: T3 V2 template configurations are same in Joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5, so the above guide link is valid for all.

Links to resources on T3 V2 Framework templates and advanced configurations :

Error? - I see “Missing T3” error on the website front-end?

T3v2 Framework based templates need the T3 Framework Plugin to be installed and enabled.

4. Install T3v2 Framework Plugin

(T3 system plugin)

Download and install T3v2 Framework Plugin (aka T3 System plugin). Follow this guide if you are not familiar with the installation procedure. After the plugin is installed, enable it as described in the same guide.

5. Install complimentary

  • Free Extensions: (aka complimentary / included extensions). We use many extensions on our demo site to provide greater flexibility and features. These are provided for free to our members.
  • Custom HTML Module: To match the design of the template, we also style (CSS) for Custom HTML modules using different div classes. You will need to check the HTML codes and make sure to use the recommended HTML markup to get correct display. We provide the HTML code in this userguide.
  • 3rd Party Extensions : This template uses JA Comment Component (with its plugins) that is also used for JA Nex Joomla J17. You will need to download JA Comment package, it is available to Developer members and JAEC members only.

Know your Module Positions

TIP: Read more about Checking and Finding Module Positions in T3 Templates.

Install and Configure Included Extensions :

If you are new to Joomla installation procedure, please check the following documentation. This guide will show you step by step instructions to install Template and Extensions to your Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 system.

View Detail Documentation

List of modules / plugins used in JA Mers Template Demo

  • JA Bulletin Module
  • JA Twitter module
  • JA Quick Contact module
  • JA Comment Extensions
  • JA System janrain plugin
  • JA Typo Button plugin
  • Capcha Engine plugin
  • JA Extensions Manager component

IMPORTANT: We provide the screenshot of the settings used on our demo website. Make sure you configure your modules / plugins in the same manner to achieve demo site alike style / functions.

1. JA Bulletin Module

1.1 Popular Post


Module Position : right
Module Suffix : NOT USED

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

1.2 Latest


Module Position : right
Module Suffix : NOT USED

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

2. JA Quick Contact Module


Module Position : page6
Module Suffix : NOT USED

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

3. JA Twitter module


Module Position : right
Module Suffix : NOT USED

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

4. JA Comment Extensions

4.1 JA Latest Comment module


Module Position : right
Module Suffix : NOT USED

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

4.2 JA Comment plugin

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

4.3 JA CommentOn plugin

This plugin is used to enable comment form on a specific article. Enable the plugin and open the article you want to enable the plugin and put the tag: {comment on} in any place in the article content field or click on the JAComment ON button under the content field of the article.

4.4 JA CommentOff plugin

This plugin is to enable comment form on a specific article. Once enabled, open the article you want and put the tag: {comment off} in any place in the article content field or click on the JAComment ON button under the content field of the article.

Note: We have wiki for JA Comment component for more information and how to use JA Comment

5. JA Typo Extensions

5.1 JA System Typo Plugin

This plugin is to embed typo styles to your system

5.2 JA Typo Button Plugin

This plugin is to enable the Typo button in the article edit form so that user can use the button to select typo they want. Once installed and enabled, open the article you want to add typo. In the article edit form, select Typo button >> select typo type >> add it to your article >> customize it.

6. JA Popup Plugin

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

<div class="ja-gallery">{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item" style="margin-right: 0;"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item" style="margin-right: 0;"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask">&nbsp</span></span></span>{/japopup}</div>

Front-end appearance

7. JA system janrain plugin

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

8. JA Captcha plugin

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

9. Who's online module


Module Position : right
Module Suffix : [space]whitebg

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end appearance

If you are not sure how to use Custom HTML Modules or access HTML Editor view, read this Guide.

We will provide you with the HTML Code (markup) for reference below, you will need to replicate exactly and then change your content. Remember that HTML code has special div classes, which are required for demo alike display.>/p>

1. About Us


Module Position : page1
Module Suffix : NOT USED


<div class="page-wrap">
<div class="ja-aboutus"> </div>
<div class="ja-aboutus-title">
<h2>The wedding of</h2>
<div class="ja-aboutus-name clearfix">
<div class="left">Daniel Lambert</div>
<div class="center"> </div>
<div class="right">Nora Lavige</div>
<div class="ja-wedding-date"><span>2012. 8. Sep 11.30AM</span></div>

Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

2. Our Story


Module Position : page3
Module Suffix : NOT USED
<div class="page-wrap cleafix">
<div class="content-story">
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img src="/images/stories/demo/sam-11.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" /></span></div>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras porta blandit varius. Enean sem lorem tortor, bempus sit amet bibendum eget, consectetur in ante. Maecenas accumsan vulputate nisi, non malesuada ligula gravida non. Nulla sagittis tellus non ipsum viverra ornare. Etiam et bulputate eros.</p>
<h3>and then</h3>
<p>Nullam ultricies scelerisque est, sit amet dictum nunc congue et. Pellentesque egestas porttitor sem sit amet lacinia. Pellentesque ac lacinia lacus. Donec at eros luctus quam aliquam lacinia. Bestibulum semper sapien quis eros vulputate a ornare tellus aliquet. Praesent libero libero, ermentum sed fringilla nec, placerat et metus.</p>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

3. Events

Module Position : page4
Module Suffix : NOT USED
<div class="page-wrap">
<p>Because you have shared in our lives by your friendship & love. We together with our parents invite you to share the beginning of our new life together.</p>
<div class="date-wedding">
<h3>11.30 AM</h3>
<h1>Hilton Hotel</h1>
<p>8580 Northwest 44th Street Lauderhill, FL 33351-6004 (954) 742-3370</p>
<a href="#">Get Directions ››</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

4. About Mers

Module Position : right
Module Suffix :  blackbg
<div class="abouttemp">
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/demo-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" /></span></div>
Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida.<a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

5. Hot Features

Module Position : right
Module Suffix :   bluebg
<div class="list-useful">
<p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1"><span class="bignumber">1</span> <span class="title-bignumber">Fluid Grid</span> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum.</p>
<p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1"><span class="bignumber">2</span> <span class="title-bignumber">Simple & Clean Design</span> Interdum pharetra in a metus congue sed.</p>
<p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1 last"><span class="bignumber">3</span> <span class="title-bignumber">Mega Menu</span> In Sed Pellentesque tincidunt pharetra metus.</p>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

6. Left Position

Module Position : right
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="text-content">Sed ipsum enim, mollis eu pellentesque a, ullamcorper at sem. Mauris eugiat, dui vel cursus elementum, nulla metus bibendum neque, in tincidunt tellus lorem vitae metus.</div>
<p><a class="readmore" href="#">Read more</a></p>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

7. Right Position

Module Position : right
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="text-content">Sed ipsum enim, mollis eu pellentesque a, ullamcorper at sem. Mauris eugiat, dui vel cursus elementum, nulla metus bibendum neque, in tincidunt tellus lorem vitae metus.</div>
<p><a class="readmore" href="#">Read more</a></p>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

8. Social

Module Position : social
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div id="ja-social-list"><a class="icon-social icon-facebook" href="#"><span>Facebook</span></a> <a class="icon-social icon-twitter" href="#"><span>Twitter</span></a> <a class="icon-social icon-rss" href="#"><span>Rss</span></a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

9. User1

Module Position : user1
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="text-conent">
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/sam-5.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="146" height="100" /></span></div>
Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. <a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

10. User2

Module Position : user2
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="text-conent">
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/sam-6.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="146" height="100" /></span></div>
Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. <a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

11. User3

Module Position : user3
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="text-conent">
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/sam-7.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="146" height="100" /></span></div>
Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. <a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

12. User4

Module Position : user4
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="img"><span class="img"><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/sam-8.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="146" height="100" /></span></div>
Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. <a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

13. About Us

Module Position : user1
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<div class="about">Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. Nunc leo lectus, auctor sed pharetra nec, faucibus id tortor dapibus lorem nec augue.<a class="readmore" href="#">Continue Reading</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo F

Front-end Appearance

14. Top Event

Module Position : user2
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
HTML Code:
<ul class="item-list">
<li><span class="time">07.01.2011</span> <span>Quisque sed dui enim. Mauris ultricies, bellus ac. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue</span></li>
<li class="last-item"><span class="time">08.01.2011</span><span>Duis in nibh eget urna viverra condimentum nec sit amet sem. Nunc leo lectus</span></li>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

15. Useful Link

Module Position : user3
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="#">Grid system</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Versatile Typography</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Advanced Block Styling</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Packed in an installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Support of contributeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Maecenas dapibus lorem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">And much more...</a></li>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

16. Photos


Module Position : page2
Module Suffix :   NOT USED


<div class="ja-gallery">
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item" style="margin-right: 0;"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
{japopup type="slideshow" content="images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-7.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-8.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-1.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-2.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-3.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-4.jpg,images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-5.jpg" width="140" height="140" title="Sample image"} <span class="img ja-gallery-item" style="margin-right: 0;"><span><img class="img-border" src="/images/stories/demo/gallery/gl-6.jpg" border="0" alt="Sample Image" width="140" /><span class="ja-mask"> </span></span></span>{/japopup}
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

17. Content Mass Top


Module Position : content-mass-top
Module Suffix :   NOT USED


<div class="text-conent">Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. Nunc leo lectus, auctor sed pharetra nec, faucibus id tortor. <a href="#">More...</a></div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

18. Content Mass Bottom


Module Position : content-mass-bottom
Module Suffix :   NOT USED


<div class="text-conent">Etiam varius velit in arcu bibendum dignissim. Maecenas dapibus lorem nec augue ornare ac gravida neque gravida. Nunc leo lectus, auctor sed pharetra nec, faucibus id tortor. <a href="#">More...</a></div> 
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

19. Thank you


Module Position : thank-you
Module Suffix :   [space]thankyou


<div class="page-wrap">Thank you for reading our wedding website. It has been implemented in Joomla 2.5 a awesome OpenSource content management system developed by hundreds of community members. With this Joomla 2.5 template wedding we hope you will use it also for your wedding, party or any other events where you can create a single page with a neat scroll-up and down animation. With the new Joomla 2.5 version Joomla templates will be easier to implement. Thanks for the great effort and <a href="http://www.joomlart.com/member/signup.php" target="_blank" title="Sign-up for Joomla 2.5 templates">sign-up</a> if you want to get more Joomla 2.5 templates.</div>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

20. Thank you


Module Position : user4
Module Suffix :   NOT USED


<li><strong>Our Name</strong>: Daniel Lambert & Nora Lavige</li>
<li><strong>Address</strong>: 21st ST N Birmingham, Al 35234</li>
<li><strong>Phone</strong>: (101) 931.322.139</li>
<li><strong>Fax</strong>: (101) 931.322.139</li>
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

21. Footer Menu


Module Position : footer
Module Suffix :   NOT USED
Back-end Settings for this module as in Demo

Front-end Appearance

I. K2 Component

1. Install and Configure K2

If you are new to this Joomla component, please read this guide.

2. Global Configuration

Back-end settings

3. Category Configuration

As you can see on our Demo, each parent category uses different template: Mers Blog uses mers_blog template while All Categories use mers template.

To build your website like our demo, navigate to Administrator >> Component >> K2 >> Categories.

Mers Blog category

All Categories

Sample Category 1

Note: Settings for others child categories under All Categories category as the same as Sample Category 1 settings

4. Configurations for K2 Modules as on our Demo

This instruction is a reference for developers using manual installation, a guide on how to setup K2 Component like on the demo website and the quick-start package.

Please refer to the official documentation on how to install and setup K2.

4.1 JA K2 Content Module


Module Position : page5
Module suffix : NOT USED
Back-end Settings

Front-end Appearance

4.2 JA K2 Tools Module

4.2.1 Calendar


Module Position : right
Module suffix : NOT USED
Back-end Settings

Front-end Appearance

4.2.2 Tag


Module Position : right
Module suffix : NOT USED
Back-end Settings

Front-end Appearance

1.4.3 JA K2 User Module


Module Position : page5
Module suffix : NOT USED
Back-end Settings

Front-end Appearance

JA Mers comes with multiple typography styles for headings, content, tables, buttons, quotes, lists and so on...

You can view the Typography Pages in the Demo site at Typography Page.

And here is HTML code: Typography_Page_HTML_Code.txt. You can use this HTML code for making similar page in your site and refer to the codes for using Typography.

IMPORTANT : These typography styles are specific to JA Mers template and if you use them in your content and later decide to change the template, the styles will be broken, as these styles depend upon the template based css files (typo.css). We recommend using minimum typography, if you plan to change your template in future.

If you are new or confused, we recommend installing Quickstart on your localhost and use it as reference for configuration. This is the best way to work with any template.

Links to all the resources are provided above, you should carefully read them to take the maximum advantage of our products.

Support :

Please raise your support queries in the forum and make sure you follow the support guidelines. We spend more time in getting the information from user in case the support guidelines are not followed.

If you have any questions regarding this userguide, please post a question in the forum. This thread is locked.