JA Extension configuration

Detail configuration and customization of supported JA Extensions in JA Nuevo

JA Content slider module slide your articles from Joomla categories with cool effects, rich backend configs covering layout, animation control, auto thumbnail creation, images size, number of articles, sorting, etc.

Main features:

  • Slide your content with width and height properties.
  • You can set the number of content to display in a tab.
  • You can set categories contents to display.
  • You can set display title, link title, introtext, readmore text links or not.
  • You can set the slide to auto run or not. Default is YES.
  • Set direction of slide. Default is left.
  • Set time for rolling delay time and animation time.

Module configuration

There are 2 JA Content Slider module used in JA Nuevo demo: "Latest projects" on homepage and "Latest Projects" on Portfolio page.

1. "Latest projects" on homepage

Module position: features-intro-2
Module Suffix: row-feature-full row-feature-nopadding-bottom row-feature-dark
Alternative layout: default

Back-end setting

Front-end appearance

JA Content slider module

2. "Latest projects" on Portfolio page

Module position: masthead
Module Suffix: row-feature-full row-feature-nopadding-bottom row-feature-dark
Alternative layout: default-1

Back-end setting

Front-end appearance

JA Content slider module front page

How-to and customization

JA Content slider style is customized to fit the template design. Here are some basic how-to and customization of the module.

customize ja content slider module

How to add module description?

The module description is customi fieldd (extra field). From the back-end setting, open the "JA Extra Fields" tab, add text that is disaplayed as module description/slogan.

add module description

The extra field is defined in the file: templates/ja_nuevo/etc/form/mod_jacontentslider.xml. You can add more extra fields.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fields name="params">
<fieldset name="custom-field" label="JA Extra Fields" description="">

<field name="module-intro" type="textarea" default="" label="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_INTRO_LABEL" description="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_INTRO_DESC" filter="RAW" />


How to display categories as tabs

JA Content slider module allows to display categories as tabs. Each category is a tab. Select categories and enable "Showing tabs" option.

Enable tab feature

Customize Alternative layout

In JA Nuevo, we made alternative layouts for the module. Open the "Advanced" tab in the module setting panel, select "default" or "default-" in the "Alternative Layout" field.

Select alternative layout

To customize the layouts, please open the folder: templates\ja_nuevo\html\mod_jacontentslider, you will see default.php and default-1 files, open the file you want to customize. We suggest you to clone a new file so you can have backup file.

Replace background image

You can see that, JA Content Slider module uses a background image. To change the background image, please open the file: templates\ja_nuevo\less\mod_jacontentslider.less, find the CSS rule:

 .ja-contentslider-center-wrap {
	background: url("@{t3-image-path}/slider-bg.jpg") repeat-x top center;

Now change the path to image you want to display as background image.

Detail documentation

JA Masshead Module displays masshead title like the JoomlArt masshead. Title and description can be specifically configured for any pages.

Module position: masthead
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Back-end setting

Sample Configuration Conditions

[Masshead Itemid="514,533,534,535,536" title="K2 Component" ][/Masshead]
[Masshead Itemid="515" title="K2 All Categories" ][/Masshead]
[Masshead Itemid="516" title="K2 Tags" ][/Masshead]
[Masshead Itemid="517" title="K2 User Page" ][/Masshead]

Please note that the Itemid is the menu item id that you want to add masthead.

Front-end appearance

JA masshead module front-end

To change masthead background image, you can replace your image with the image templates/ja_nuevo/images/bg-masthead.jpg or you can change the path to the image. Open the file less/style.less, find the style:

.jamasshead {
  text-align: center;
  padding: (@grid-gutter-width + 15);
  background: url('@{t3-image-path}/bg-masthead.jpg') no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='//static.joomlart.com/images/templates/ja_nuevo/bg-masthead.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');
  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='//static.joomlart.com/images/templates/ja_nuevo/bg-masthead.jpg', sizingMethod='scale')";

Now change the path to your new background image in background: url('@{t3-image-path}/bg-masthead.jpg') no-repeat;

Detail documentation

JA Image Hotsport module allows you to upload any static image then fill in information for a specific area that you want to point out in your image. You can add unlimited points.

Module position: features-intro-1
Module Suffix: row-feature-nopadding-bottom row-feature-gray

Back-end setting

Front-end appearance

JA image hotspot module front-end

Detail documentation

Display images from a folder. Includes auto-resized images, beautiful animation effects, and inline text-embeded descriptions. This module use css3 to enable animation effects and support responsive design

Module configuration

Module position: slideshow
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Back-end setting

Front-end appearance

JA Slideshow module front-end

Module customization

Change background image

You can change to background image by replacing your background image file with the default background image file: templates\ja_nuevo\images\slideshow-bg.jpg. You can also change the background image by changing the image path in the file: templates/ja_nuevo/less/mod_jaslideshowlite.less. Open the file then find the rule:

.ja-slideshow {
	background: url("@{t3-image-path}/slideshow-bg.jpg");

Add more slideshow items

Open the folder images\joomlart\slideshow, duplicate the sl1-bg.png file and rename to sl3-bg.png. Next, add image you want to display in slideshow, name it sl3-first.png, if you want to display 2 images in the slideshow, name the second image: sl1-second.png.

Add new slideshow

Next, open the template setting panel and add description and class (for animating elements in the slideshow item) for the new slideshow item by clicking the "EDIT" button under the slideshow item.

Add description for slideshow lite

The class supported by default includes:

  • leftright
  • leftleft
  • rightright
  • updown
  • downdown
  • rupdown
  • rupup

Detail documentation

JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin allows you to integrate popular external commenting systems into your Joomla! articles.

Main Features:

  • Allows integration of IntenseDebate, Disqus.
  • Easy to use. Install, configure and multiple options.
  • Option to enable it for all, enable for limited categories or individual articles OR disable for individual articles too.

Back-end setting

Front-end appearance

JA disqus comment plugin front-end

Detail documentation

JA Bookmark Plugin for Joomla! 2.5. Help your visitors to promote your site and allows visitors to bookmark your pages easily with many popular services.

Main Features:

  • Allows the integration of Addthis and AddToAny online Bookmark Services
  • Easy to use. Install and configure
  • Option to enable it for all, enable for limited categories or individual articles OR disable for individual articles too.

Back-end setting

Custom Button code:

<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"><img src="/images/joomlart/social/facebook.jpg" width="80" height="27" border="0" alt="Share to Facebook" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter"><img src="/images/joomlart/social/twitter.jpg" width="80" height="27" border="0" alt="Share to Twitter" /></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google"><img src="/images/joomlart/social/google.jpg" width="80" height="27" border="0" alt="Share to Google Plus" /></a>

You can change the icons by replacing the icon images or change the path to your icons in the "Custom Button" field.

Front-end appearance

JA bookmark front-end

Detail documentation