
How to create Joomla banners ?

Step by step instruction to create Joomla banners and display the banners in a position in your Joomla site

Create Joomla banner

Banners is an important of a website, it is a common form of advertising on the web. By default, Joomla includes the Banners component to manage banners: adding new banners, organise the banners into categories and display the banners in different pages in your Joomla site. This section will teach you how to create a Banner and display the banner in one place inside your Joomla site.

Create Joomla banner

In Joomla 3, Banners are managed by Banners component, go to: Components » Banners. To create new banner, hit the New button.

Joomla banner

In the adding new banner page, add banner title, select banner type (there are 2 banner types: image and custom). If you select image type, browse the banner image, if it is custom, you can add custom code for the banner then add link for the banner.

create joomla banners

The tab Banner Details allows you to set impressions, client, purchase type,etc.

Display banners in front-page

To display banners in front-page, we will use module functionality. Go to Extensions » Module and create new module.

joomla banner module

Select Banners module type. The Banner Module displays the active Banners from the Component.

joomla banner module

Add module title, select banners categires, assign the module to position you want to display the banner. In this tutorial, we will publish the module to banner position.

joomla banner module

Next, you will need to assign the module to the pages. In the Menu Assignment tab, you can select menu items to display the modules in.

assign module

Done, now you can check how the banner is displayed in front-end, open the pages you assigned the banner module.

assign module