
Purity III

The perfect starting point for all Joomla lovers

Responsive Joomla template for Joomla 3 - Purity III is a powerful Free Joomla template for any Joomla lover.

Much like its name, Purity III stands out as a simplicity Joomla template and a great starter theme to craft your site from scratch with multiple layouts per your need. Simplicity though highly compatible, Purity III works in perfect sync with most of the popular 3rd party Joomla extensions, such as: EasySocial, EasyDiscuss, EasyBlog, JomSocial, Mijoshop, Kunena, and etc.

Built on the robust T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3 at core, this template is fullly responsive and highly customizable with the marvelous customization tool - ThemeMagic and Layout Configuration for a flexible layout system.

Purity III is highly compatible and YOU can get the best out of it. How? By simply filling in the form below to share with us your favourite Joomla extensions or Joomla extension providers. We will try our best to intergrate those 3rd party extensions in Purity III and make them work in harmony. Just remember, everything we do, we do it for YOU.

Want your favorite extension to be compatible with Purity III?

Let us know in the forum

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