
Purity III template FAQs

The best free responsive Joomla template for Joomla 3

We get lot of questions, if Purity III supports Joomla 2.5 or not, the answer is NO. Purity III is native with Joomla 3 and it does not support Joomla 2.5. You can try it with Joomla 2.5 but we do not provide any support or bug fixes. JA Purity III will support all J 3.x versions as and when they are released.

Purity III is a responsive Joomla template for Joomla 3 and it supports many popular third party extensions such as: EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss, EasySocial, Kunena, Jomsocial etc. Many users have questions about responsive support for their regular extensions.

The answer depends on the third party extension itself. If the third party extension is responsive by default, it will work good with Purity III. If the extension is not responsive by default then it is bound to break the site layout in mobile layouts, this is true for all the responsive templates not just Purity III.

Follow this link to know how Purity III works with third party extensions: Assigning third party extensions style.