
Install and upgrade

JA Extension Manager - Joomla extension for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 documentation

To download this component, please visit this downloads section and follow these instructions:


This is the installation package needed, so you don't have to unpack this .zip file. You can continue with installation process.

To install JA Extensions Manager, please follow these steps:


  • Step 1 - Go to Extensions > Install/Uninstall to open Joomla! Extensions Manager;
  • Step 2 - browse for file in your computer;
  • Step 3 - Click the Upload File & Install button.

Congratulations! Now you have installed the most powerful tool you have ever used in your Joomla! powered website!

JA Extensions Manager is quite capable to upgrade itself. It only holds a database table with logs on each extension upgraded using the component. The developers took care of it's XML file so you don't have to deal with these upgrade steps described here.

Here is a quick guide on how to upgrade the component. In the Extensions Manager panel, search for Components, and locate JA Ext Manager then follow these steps:


Step 1 - click the Check update link;

Step 2 - if no new version was found click the Upload now link;


Step 3 - upload the new version installation file to the repository and click the Cancel button when the upload is complete.


Step 4 - click again the Check update link to check the repository again;
Step 5 - click the Upgrade link to start processing the upgrade.
You will have to add a suggestive comment for the upgrade. Example: "Upgrade 1.0.0 Beta to 1.5.0 Stable".


Good! Now you have the latest version of JA Extensions Manager! You have to refresh component page to load the new version.