Customize Joomla template video tutorial
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to customize your template style with LESS and CSS. The workflow when you want customize your template.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m John from JoomlArt. And today we will talk about template customization workflow.
T3 Framework is developed with LESS. All less files of template are located in less folder inside your template folder. When you enable development mode, your site will load less files. Using firebug is a good way to customize your template. Add/customize style in the firebug, when you satisfy with the customization, track full path of .less file to add the customized style to. Do the same for other customization. When everything is done, please disable development mode then compile LESS to CSS by hitting the button and everything you customized in .less files will be compiled to css. But it not compiled one by one. When compiling, it can join files.
When you disable Development mode, your site will load .css files that are compiled from LESS files. You can also track the full path to the .css file. But you should not customize your template with css as each time you compile LESS to CSS, all CSS files will be overridden then your work will be lost.
If you want to customize template with CSS, you can use custom.css file. The file is not overridden when compiling and the file is loaded no matter Development mode is enabled or disabled.
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