Hello! How and where Can I change color of text?
raiciks Hi. Please tell me the url to the exact page You've made this screenshot.
Try to add the following custom css code:
.itemFullText p { color: #your_color_value; }
and adjust color value to your needs.
More information about adding custom css to GavickPro templates: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/joomla/templates/customization/custom-template-css
Cheers Joshua
Hi, it is help, but doesn't change full text. See attachment. http://jaunais.aprinkis.lv:8080/index.php/sabiedriba/pasvaldibas/2373-svetdien-latvijas-velo-svetki-ietekmes-satiksmi-uz-jelgavas-sosejas-un-rigas-apvedcela
Sorry, replace my previous code with:
.itemFullText p, .itemIntroText p { color: #000000; }
Thank you very much!