I'm struggling to get the language flags to show in languageswitcherload position (top left) EN and DE. What am I missing ? http://additivemanufacturing.global/
timtecsa Hi You need to set default Home menu item for each language. I set it for you, Now you can see the flags are showing fine.
Hi Pankaj,
Long time since I did a multilingual site. I see the flags now but can't get the mainnav-de module to show on DE pages.
timtecsa Hi You need to create different template style for each language and assign them, so you have different Megamenu http://prntscr.com/kw5wfg
Thanks. That crossed my mind but didn't stick :-) I now need to add Polish too.
timtecsa You are welcome! This the correct way to apply different menu/Layout for different language menu items.