lafetech but i need to enter manualy for all the images setting in the code area ?
You can also add class attribute as also shown here like small-img and thereon, change the img element to :
<img style="float: right; width: 250px; height: 125px;" src="/~martialt/magie/images/images-site/images/900x450/combo_disco_magie_mariage.jpg" alt="combo disco magie mariage" width="583" height="291">
<img style="float: right;" class="small-img" src="/~martialt/magie/images/images-site/images/900x450/combo_disco_magie_mariage.jpg" alt="combo disco magie mariage">
and add this to custom.css file :
img.small-img{width: 250px !important; height: 125px !important;}
Thereafter, the same class attribute can be added to other images where you wish to see the results as envisaged