maybe you would know what to do.

Had this problem since the day I installed the template actually, but until now I was still working on the site itself, not the forum, but now I moved to the forum.

The problem is that whenever I enter my profile page, and press the 'edit profile' on the side, nothing happens, as if it just doesn't trigger anything.
Anyone has an idea what could be the problem?

Another question,
the text editor for writing a post, is just a text editor, is there a way to make it like the TinyMCE? with options like bold, under link, link, and whatnot.

Thanks a lot,

    Hi natichief

    Could you please share your administrator page url and a super user access to it so we can have a look at your settings ?

    Have a look HERE point-5 to see how to keep your details private

    Yes, edited the fields with an account.

    About the second question, i've found my answer in the admin panel, still though, have no idea about the 'edit profile' thing.
    Take in consideration my site is RTL in hebrew, so to make it easier, here is the link to the forum:
    login page (of the front end) :

    the forum's main menu (index, recent, profile, etc) is in english, so I assume you won't have too much of a problem. the 'edit profile' is in hebrew, but there's the icon next to it.

    Thanks a lot.

      Hi natichief

      I updated kunena extension and the edit profile is working fine now


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