Hi guys,

This month, JoomlArt team will release 2 Joomla templates: JA Diner for JoomlArt.com and Gavick Stora for Gavick.com.

JA Diner

JA Diner is dedicated Joomla template for restaurant, bar, pub, steakhouse with creative and modern design to highlight your best recipes, popular dishes and tantalizing restaurant menu options. JA Diner is fully responsive, supports megamenu, flexible layout system, multiple theme colors, all Joomla default pages and more.

View JA Diner Joomla restaurant template preview on JoomlArt

GK Stora

GK Stora eCommerce Joomla template is designed for fashion, shoes, bags, accessories, beauty store. It fully supports 2 popular Joomal eCommerce extensions: Virtuemart and J2Store. The beautiful template design with remarkable estore-browsing features, responsive design will make your store looks amazing and help selling your products online easier than ever.

View GK Stora eCommerce Joomla template preview on Gavick

This homepage looks perfect for any type of fashion shop...it has all the features and clean look this type of e-shop would need...I wish I had this template option when recently working on a handbag site over JA brickstore....although the 'product details page' did on looked better on brickstore imo. Mainly cause the 'Stora' products pages just looks like an article layout to me. Overall though...looks great!!!

    18 days later

    I'm suddenly having problems viewing several of the template demo pages. I get the message "error displaying error page".


      The team has updated the JoomlArt demo system, everything should work fine now, pls let us know if you still face this issue.

      Thank you!

      15 days later
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