I am trying to get rid of the flaticons for http://neu2.gaw.at/en/company/sales.html
I tried to find a setting for that, an changed /etc/extrafields/departments.xml
I found Infos about Extrafields in Articles here in the forum http://prntscr.com/ipy18q and https://member.joomlart.com/forums/d/139-change-icons-in-category-list
I applied https://github.com/t3framework/t3/commit/e1b36dfaec62f7288d6dec919efc53880a0a68b2
I still do not see the extrafields
I tried to change /html/com_content/category/department_item.php
<?php //if($jdepartment_icon) echo '<i class="flaticon '.$jdepartment_icon.'"></i>'; ?>
<?php //if($iconArticle) echo '<i class="flaticon '.$iconArticle.'"></i>'; ?>
The Detail-View was now without Image, but not the Blog-Listing:
I could change it now with css in custom.css
.flaticon-bald-pharmacist:before {
content: url(/none);
.flaticon::before, .blog-department .flaticon::after {
font-size: 5px;
The Icon disappeared, but the font-setting is overwritten again. (So the Cards ar yery high with too much whitespace)
I dont want to change the Style for the whole Site - is there a chance that I can copy xLayout - Departments and Customize? I did not find where to start...
Do you have any suggestions?
Regards, Fritz