During my conversation with JCH support (it doesn't work properly for JCH Optimum settings - when site cache is cleaned - there is no backgroud image visible in Backgrounder theme, one have to reload the page to make it visible).
I was informed by JCH support that there is an issue in Builder template. Below is the quote from JCH support mail:
" Whenever you clean the cache, you find the json loading in the SCRIPT element with incorrect mime type:


When the page reloads it disappears. Whenever you have this json loading with incorrect mime type it causes a javascript error which causes this issue. When you combine this with the other files it affects the site. It happens in all other browsers too. "
Could you advise, please?
regards Tomek
p.s example of page affected: https://www.witraze.info/en/1042-expulsion-from-paradise-stained-glass-in-a-restaurant . Turn on JCH in Optimum state to make the issue visible.

Hi Tomek,

Did you fix the issue? I've checked FF, Chrome and can't see the problem, background image is visible..
(JCH Optimum is enabled).


Thanks for yours. Unfortunately the issue is still unsolved. To view it you should clean the cache of the site first. After cleaning the cache there is no background image till you reload the page :-(

Hi Tomek,

Yes I do now see it not working - I'm trying to recreate the problem on a test site I installed


I've change the global configuration to match and the jch optimise settings as well

Is there any other optimistation extension or plugin I've missed? - as at the moment I can't recreate the problem


Hi Paul
There is no other optimisation extension. There could be Zenkit or K2 not compatible with Buildr. I will check with Joomla article (not K2) tomorrow.
Cheers Tomek

Would it be also possible to test with sh404sef security functions turned off?

I did not want to do that myself


I made a quick test with Joomla article - there is no issue. So it it K2 or Zenkit culprit probably. For now I switch JCH to worse state - Deluxe.

cheers Tomek

ah thanks I will test them later today and see what happens


I've tested k2 and zenkit and am struggling to re-create your problem
Was this problem showing across the site when using that level of compression?


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