Could you advise how
- create menu item with font icon only (search icon) without title text. I made this but has to add one sign "dot": www.witraze.info/en/stained-glass-studio .
- to get rid off "disc" list sign
- how to do the same for one page menu (should I add custom html module or is there easier way?)

regards Tomek


Try to add the following custom css code:

.zen-menu .item-2801 .zen-menu-heading {
    font-size: 0;

.zen-menu .item-2801 .zen-menu-heading:before {
    display: none;

.zen-menu .item-2801 .zen-menu-heading .zen-icon-search {
    font-size: 16px;


Great! Thank you Piotrze.
Forgot to turn off JCH compression before asking you, sorry!!
regards Tomek

Thanks for the update

I love the glass mosaics 🙂


25 days later

I try also to have only the "search icon" on the menu tool bar without the "search text", but i'm using the joomlart uber template. How and where can I can that ? and with wich code please ?
I've found a thread on your forum, about Joomlart Teline template, but can't find what to change...

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