Hello, I need to make the JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module autoplay . Features Intro style1 in section Thnak you
For ‘autoplay’ feature, it needs to handle via JS, You can access this file: root/templates/ja_healthcare/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-1.php
Look at the JS script near the end of file and change: autoplay: true
Hello, Thank you It worked for me Now could I please set the time of the autoplay ? for example every 8 seconds it autoplays
Open this file /templates/ja_healthcare/js/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js and find
if (base.options.autoPlay === true) { base.options.autoPlay = 5000;
Change 5000 with your desired interval 5000 = 5 secs
To change the interval time, you can simply edit the param 'autoplay' as pavit suggested: https://prnt.sc/hytc2v
To: autoplay: 8000;
8000 here is in milliseconds.
Hello, Thank you very much 😉