Downloaded and installed GK Music State. In the header text it says New Album and: Your slogan here.
I can't seem to find where and how to change this...
jacobstelwagen Hi,
The widget configured to show in the respective position is GK Image Show widget which has slide1.jpg and slide2.jpg assigned to show for which you can go to media --> make changes as per screenshot for specific image being shown and change image accordingly
Also, You may kindly view the documentation page for the same
You have to configure your images (used in GK Image Show widget) in Media Library. More details may be found here: https://demo.gavick.com/wordpress/musicstate/built-in-widgets/gk-image-show/
Cheers Joshua
I tried that, but could not find it. The link t the documentation doesn't work? Thanks for the answers. One more question...
The Page Title as shown in the tab in for example Crome. Where can I change it?
Sorry, quite new to this.
This is correct URL: https://demo.gavick.com/wordpress/musicstate/built-in-widgets/gk-image-show/ We'll try to help, but i'm not sure where the issue is, did you find your slide images in WordPress Media Library?
Regarding the titles, please check the documentation here: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/wordpress/gavernwp-framework/seo-settings (Template Options -> SEO tab)
Thank you very, very much. I will try and read the documentation as a whole. Still difficult for a newbie where to look. The header still says 'read more' but I have not added an article. The destination is #. If I can change that, I will be ready.
Could you please update your thread fields with your site back-end access (user, password). These fields are visible for moderators only.
Then we'll be able to check the issue and help.