Hello, I searched along but I didn't find where to change the icons in category list https://static.joomlart.com/images/userguide/ja_templates/ja-healthcare/article-list.jpg
I searched in phpmyadmin and I found this atribute that can't find in jomla admin (I searched almost everywhere)
"jdepartment_icon":"flaticon-bald-pharmacist" Can you help please ? Thank you
It's flaticon added via the Extra Fields tab in article settings: http://prntscr.com/ipy18q
Hello thank you I don't have that tab joomla 3.8.5 Please see image https://screenshots.firefox.com/BVwwOVMpI2kzLMkA/www.demo.dossier.tn
Could you share the credentials of your site? I will check for you: https://cl.ly/3y3R0p24250G
Done thank you for your help
This is a known issue when you filter articles by category, then when you click to open article settings, the Extra Field tab is not showing. If you open article directly, it will show fine.
Try this solution: https://github.com/t3framework/t3/commit/e1b36dfaec62f7288d6dec919efc53880a0a68b2
Remember to backup old file first.