I tried this:
Works in the normal mode but the language menu is not working on responsive...
Thank you in advance...
jcas Hi,
I checked on mobile device and saw that the language switcher is still working now: http://prntscr.com/iu3lmr
Is that ok now?
Now is not OK on the normal mode. I don't like the position, I would like to change it like this:
if I use this code: looks good in the normal mode but not in the responsive. I need your help in the responsive.
Thank you
Could you illustrate how you want to achieve via screenshot? http://prntscr.com/iu5dem
I would like this positions on normal and responsive mode
You can add this custom CSS code:
.languageswitcherload { position: absolute; right: 20px; top: -45px; }
into the file: http://eutek.eutekstudio.com/templates/ja_lens/css/layout-mobile-portrait.css
wow... perfect... thank you so much... it still one screen size where the language menu overrides the main menu. How can I resolve this?
in the horizontal version of my handy in not working good (menu overlay) and also the text "CI PONIAMO SEMPRE..." is not align "center"... 🙁 Thank you in advance
I added your code to: http://eutek.eutekstudio.com/templates/ja_lens/css/layout-mobile.css and is working good now in the horizontal screen of my handy... when it changes from normal to responsive mode still a weird position... can you check?
But is working everything well... thank you so much for your help...
This is pretty old template which is not built with new T3 framework (supports fully responsive) as recent templates, so when you check the responsive layout, pls use your real device to check it.
Ok, thank you so much for your support. I have a last question, the website is ready and have nothing to do with the template but maybe you can help me: I used this CSS code to put the photos of the homepage black&white: filter: grayscale(100%); but is not supported by IE (internet explorer) do you know if I could do something about it so the photos shows in black & white in IE too?
May I know which version of IE are you using?
IE 11
Could you share FTP account of your site?
The website is online and now is in http://www.eutekstudio.com https://eutekstudio.com/administrator
did you receive the FTP account?
I got it, the problem here is that IE browser doesn't support CSS3 for that kind of filter. Let me check if it can be done via JS and will get back to you.
Thank you so much...