You will need to customize it a bit, try my following tweak:
1- Create a new module position called languageswitcherload by putting this tag: <position>languageswitcherload</position>
inside the positions tag in the file: root/templates/ja_lens (your default template)/templateDetails.xml: http://prntscr.com/iq4avo
2- Load this module in header block of template:
Open the file: root/templates/ja_lens (your default template)/index.php
Look for the code which renders the mainnav, add this line of code below it:
<div class="languageswitcherload">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="languageswitcherload" />
3- Now, go to Extensions > Modules > create a new module type of Language Switcher and assign to the new position created above: languageswitcherload
4- The module will show in header block, you will need to customize style for this module also.