I have been meaning to sent a bug report on this for awhile. The ZenTools module is broken now. It is creating many bogus urls on the site because it has somehow lost the ability to identify a blog posts Primary url and build a link based on that url.
To see this in action you can visit my site at the following page:
If you then click on the title of the only blog post that is in that category you will be taken to a correct URL based on the blog posts primary category.
In this case the blog title is "From Survive to Thrive: Patty's Cancer Journey"
The url you are taken to is: https://www.drcarney.com/gems/cancer-success/entry/from-survive-to-thrive-patty-s-cancer-journey
This URL is generated from the menu which corresponds with the categories.
So, that is all good.
Here is where things go bad. Follow the Gems menu to any other category besides cancer and you will get a link that is generated by the menu as well. These are also good links. For example:
Weight Loss Success: https://www.drcarney.com/gems/weight-loss-success
But, once you are there if you click on the Module on the right hand column that is titled Results you will see that it is going to append the string weight-loss-success onto every url that is generated. This is wrong. It should only generate the URL based on the Primary category which I have also matched to a menu item.
So, now if you click on the first item in the list which is "From Survive to Thrive: Patty's Cancer Journey" you will see the following URL appear:
This URL is completely wrong and very broken.
Again, the correct URL should be
In fact this problem will exist for EVERY Submenu page underneath the Gems Menu.
For example these links are building URLs like