Hello, is there a way to just remove the Google +1 button and the Google share button.
We disabled it in the Social API option, empty cache, but nothing change... What is wrong ...??
Thank you. Regard.
Could you please update this thread fields with your site back-end access (user, password) and FTP (host, user, password). These fields are visible for moderators only.
Then we'll be able to check the issue.
Cheers Joshua
ok just added the admin log and password.
dieudonne Could you add also FTP access?
ftp access is ok too.
Thank you.
dieudonne It seems to be the settings of K2 category: Événements
You can disable it via K2 > Categories > Événements > Display Settings > Item View Options > Social Sharing and disable Google + there.
I tried the same but it seems that there is a cache settings on your site server side so it doesn't reflect the changes on front-end. Kindly check.
I don't understand, we need to disable for each category...?
But it is no working... https://www.cire.be/sensibilisation/evenements/elections-communales-2018-jevotesolidaire
And this not a cache problem we made a full flush on the server, empty joomla cache. so the Google icon is still visible.
dieudonne Hi, Please try to update your template to latest version first. You are using 3.21.4 (make a backup and try to update to version 3.22)
thank for your answer, template is updated to 3.22, but the G+ icon is still visible (all caches empty)....
What are we missing...?
Hi, Unfortunately changes made in template files via FTP are not reflected on your website.. Maybe try with custom css:
.itemAsideInfo .itemGooglePlusOneButton { display: none }
thank you, it is working.
But the bug is not fixed...? This is a problem if we can't fix it from the admin pannel (because this is a option proposed)..., no ?
I don't see G+ icon now, is that solved?
Yes, but like I said:
dieudonne Hi, To remove load of it compleatly. You should edit file /html/com_content/article/default.php and delete/comment lines:
<gavern:social><g:plusone GK_GOOGLE_PLUS_SETTINGS data-href="<?php echo $cur_url; ?>"></g:plusone></gavern:social> <gavern:social><g:plus action="share" GK_GOOGLE_PLUS_SHARE_SETTINGS href="<?php echo $cur_url; ?>"></g:plus></gavern:social>