Hello, There is something weird going on on the home page of my Grid4 site. I am not aware that it is a Buildr site. I think I built it before Grid4 became a child theme of Buildr. It is located in a directory called gridfour of my web design web site at oasiswebdevelopment.com. I just updated my PHP version to 7.1.22 which could be the problem and the problem may be that I have to upgrade the Grid4 template version. However, I looked on your site and I can only see the Grid4/Buildr template. Please let me know what you think is the matter: https://oasiswebdevelopment.com/gridfour/ and how I might remedy it including how to upgrade the template version.k Thank you very much. Elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth,
Could you clarify the issue here in more details so I can check?
And also update the admin + FTP account as the provided info seems not working.