Hello, I have a problem to create a tag on joomla backend. I never created before and now i'm trying, there is this error message, means i can't save the tag.
Can anyone help me with that please ?
Hi booddha
Since we are not able to replicate this error on our local installation would be bettr if you will share your website url and a temp super user account for your backend with a working url for it , so we can debug it on your server directly
You can refer to this post on how to share your website details
pavit Hello ok it is done, you have the info to access
It seems relate to Joomla issue when upgrading Joomla, hope this thread can help: https://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=710&t=800583#p3167456
Hi There,
This looks like a problem with the Joomla installation and the database in particular Is this site a recent installation?
I do remember a similiar problem a long time ago with a much older joomla version
Cheers Paul
paulus1031 Hello,
thanks to have a look on it. No this installation as at least 2 years old.
saguaros Hello, Ok i will have a look, but i afraid that will be too difficult for me, i never change anything in the database, i just had a look inside, this is gebberish for me, i prefer not to touch it ; ) Thanks for the link.
If you do decide to change anything in the database please take a backup before making any changes
I'm not able to make changes into the database, seems to be over my capacities
Perhaps create a forum thread in the joomla.org forum explaining the problem and your limited expertise together with a link to that previous thread