Hello, I have never encountered this problem. I do not understand my menu of the administration part of the site are no longer visible : http://prntscr.com/lfu7f1
I thought it was because of the new update joomla but I changed the PHP version in my web host look at: http://prntscr.com/lfubm5 and in the index.htm file , look : http://prntscr.com/lfuc0o
Could you help me please ?
ludo974 Could you help me please ?
Remove all your latest changes - switch your php version 7.2 to the latest working and also the changes done in your index.php file and see what happens -
ludo974 I don't understand you advise.
You should remove all changes you have done to your website
ludo974 I changed the PHP version in my web host
Switch version to the old one
ludo974 and in the index.htm file ,
Remove the change you applied
Sorry pavit
I don't understand you advise.
According to the screenshots that I put, I did not do the right procedure?