I’m using Image Show GK4 v1.6.1 with Joomla 3.8.7. Image Show GK4 not appearing with JA Teline V.
My sliding images are not displaying and it seems it’s loading indefinitely.
Could you help me?
Please see: https://www.denemelik.com/g%C3%B6rsel/do%C4%9Fan%C4%B1n-dengesini-bozanlar.html https://www.denemelik.com/g%C3%B6rsel/unesco-tarihi-mirasa-dahil-yap%C4%B1lar%C4%B1m%C4%B1z.html
I have been using this site for testing.
mehmettas Image Show GK4 seems to be appearing fine when assigned to other positions like footer, footer-1.
Kindly confirm if you have created new module position where you have assigned the specific module currently ?