Haw can I change the slide text from white to another color [mod_image_show_gk4]
Hi goimd
Please post a link to your website we will check it
https://lakesidedistrict.com/ pavit
Add to the override.css file
.gkIsWrapper-gk_university figcaption p, .gkIsWrapper-gk_university figcaption a { color:#yourcolor!important; }
Thanks... added:
.gkIsWrapper-gk_university figcaption p, .gkIsWrapper-gk_university figcaption a { color: #fef212; }
But not showing - is there a cache setting that I may have set too strong?
Did you enabled the override.css ? from template settings ?
Yes.. Advanced settings -> CSS overrides 'enabled'.
looking at your screenshot i do not see the code i posted above inside the custom.css code field.
I added it to the override.css file.
That was it - will further adjust the color now. Thanks!