Thank you very much. We added Instagram, youtube, and linkedin
And for the class, what can we do...? To be on the same line, with same parameters like the other one ?
And for the rollover, what can we put to replace the .i-gk-icon-.. ?
#gk-social a:active i.gk-icon-fb,
#gk-social a:focus i.gk-icon-fb,
#gk-social a:hover i.gk-icon-fb {
color: #204385;
#gk-social a:active i.gk-icon-twitter,
#gk-social a:focus i.gk-icon-twitter,
#gk-social a:hover i.gk-icon-twitter {
color: #2aa9e0;
#gk-social a:active i.gk-icon-gplus,
#gk-social a:focus i.gk-icon-gplus,
#gk-social a:hover i.gk-icon-gplus {
color: #d3492c;
#gk-social a:active i.gk-icon-rss,
#gk-social a:focus i.gk-icon-rss,
#gk-social a:hover i.gk-icon-rss {
color: #ea7054;
Thank you.
Ps: I think this template must be updated (remove G+, add some more social network, ...)