How do I change the link text on the mobile menu?
jonburdon1 Hi Open /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_buildr.ini Find
Change Menu to any other word. You can also create override in Joomla language overrides.
jonburdon1 Hi Use this code for active menu
#off-canvas-menu .zen-nav.zen-nav-stacked>a, #off-canvas-menu .zen-nav.zen-nav-stacked>span.zen-menu-heading {color:#000!important;}
That's not what I want to do.
I want to change the colour of the links in my menu. Currently they are white on a light green background. I'm sure there's a way to do this in the template, but I can't find it.
jonburdon1 Hi Add this code in /css/custom.css file and change the color code
#off-canvas-menu .zen-nav.zen-nav-stacked li a, #off-canvas-menu .zen-nav.zen-nav-stacked li span { color: #eee; }
Ninja I have added this css but it has not made any difference at all.
jonburdon1 Hi You added / before the code so its not working Remove it and check.
That's looking better.
How do I change the colour for the active page?