I have some questions: 1) custom fields translation doesn't work: - I have created checkboxes custom field and in Text I set a string translation: See: https://i.ibb.co/LppF3Jf/Schermata-2018-12-21-alle-12-26-30.png - I have created the language override: See: https://i.ibb.co/hm7KVs9/Schermata-2018-12-21-alle-12-25-01.png - When I edit an article the translation override is visible: See: https://i.ibb.co/wRS8kw0/Schermata-2018-12-21-alle-12-30-45.png - and also in frontend the translation string is visible: See: https://i.ibb.co/HY6Dtdb/Schermata-2018-12-21-alle-12-41-09.png - but in the module filter is not visibile: see: https://i.ibb.co/Tm05Pfg/Schermata-2018-12-24-alle-12-49-58.png
2) If in "Front-end Display Elements" option I select Description and in the content article I load a Module (ex. {loadmoduleid 102}) the module is not shown in frontend grid view. - https://i.ibb.co/znttg11/Schermata-2018-12-24-alle-12-58-43.png - https://i.ibb.co/ZV2yX8X/Schermata-2018-12-24-alle-12-57-31.png
3) If is not possible to show a module in description, how can I get a specific custom field using its id or name in layout override (/templates/custom-template/html/layouts/jamegafilter/content/default2/product-item.php)?
publygoo Can you add your admin details in edit fields in order for us to take closer look.
For reference, You can follow thread post (5 point) procedure.
I added the requested data aman204
did you take a look? Is it possible translate the strings and modify the layout?
publygoo Have requested other team members to take a look as I have tried troubleshooting however unable to figure out as to why the translation isnt shown for "filter text"
Please be patient while we revert back
Happy new year! Have you a good news for me?
publygoo Happy new year! Will request once again to other team member to add reply
Hi, news? I'm developing a multilingual website and this function is essential for me...
Unfortunately, at this moment, JA Megafilter doesn't support that kind of translation.
saguaros Your intentions are to develop it?
I'm also really interested in such a functionality. I need it for a multilingual website using Virtuemart with custom fields and I have exactly the same problem. Are you working on this feature?
pmarty Hi. I'm afraid there is no time for that currently. With Joomla4 in the way we need to focus on upgrading templates and extensions to work with it. Anyway I will place Your request in a suggestion box for developers.
This post is some years old now.
I would like to ask again.
Are you working on this feature? Or is it already implemented?
Best regards Patrick
Hi Patrick,
I'm afraid that this feature is not available yet in JA Megafilter 🙂