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I see that the template has been updated to v1.08 but cannot find release notes to check changes. Can you please provide?

    pavit Thanks. Found what I was looking for.
    Reason for asking is that I have made some changes in variables.less. I could not find this in the template at theme-magic.
    So my question is how do I create an override in custom.css from below example instead of modifying the variables.less which I have done now by commenting out and adding a new line?
    //@navbar-default-link-color: @white;
    @navbar-default-link-color: #ed1c24;


    Ninja See comment to Pavit. I am looking how to override variables.less in my custom.css

      gbtravel I am looking how to override variables.less in my custom.css

      To be more precise and avoid confusion/ambiguity in addressing your query, Can you exactly elaborate as to what are you looking forward to achieve as variable.less and custom.css are two different files. Are you looking forward to some specific CSS modification and wishing to have some specific CSS rule-set be seen in custom.css file ?

      T3 framework templates ship with empty Custom.css for which characteristics can be seen here

        Less file use different code and would not be override in custom.css file.
        If you want to customize template Theme, you can use ThemeMagic tool to create a new theme and override some css code using custom.css file. Variable.less is core file and will be override in each update.


        aman204 To be precise:
        I want to change this value which is set in variables.less ==> @navbar-default-link-color: @white; <=== into
        ==> @navbar-default-link-color: #ed1c24; <== with an override instead of changing the variables.less

        I have searched where to change this with the ThemeMagic tool but could not find it.

          gbtravel Hi. Easiest is to check with some developer tool attached to browser. For example style of the link color You are refering to is defined in less, but generates a css code which can be overwritten in custom.css file:

          .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
              color: #ed1c24;

            teitbite Thanks Teitbite! That's the one I was looking for. Could not find the line with "Inspect from Google Chrome which I usually use to find the CSS code. That is why I ended up in the .less files and "@" sign before the code puzzled me.

              gbtravel Hi

              Kindly let us know if query to relative topic have been resolved so as to mark the thread as resolved or need further assistance on the same 🙂

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