Just reading your 2018 review and saw this GDPR extension. It seems to be independent of the Joomla 3.9 implementation. I would have expected it to be an enhancement to Joomla's implementation - because the Joomla version is very clunky.
For example, Joomla generates an XML file for requesters - most customers don't know what XML is or how to read it. Also, the page for requesting or forgetting the user is unintuitive and ugly without a lot of customization.
Is JA Joomla GDPR a moot point, or will you be pivoting to making it a powerful and user-friendly enhancement for the core Joomla GDPR implementation?
As far as adding new 3rd party integrations, I primarily use Community Builder and AcyMailing. I also use DT Register and DT Donate. Would it be possible to include these in the JA Joomla GDPR extension so that the data stored in those extensions can also be reported to the user and "forgotten" if requested? It may be a challenge to "forget" people who registered and paid for events - maybe a disclaimer could be integrated that explains that for the purposes of financial and accounting reporting, not all event or donation information can be removed, but some other accommodation will be made to ensure privacy of that information - just a thought.
Thank you,