Within the Authors Control panel, to submit articles or to edit articles, the authors can post their text in the "Content" box. This is really limited, and I was wondering if there was a feature which allowed them to utilize the default editor (Which is JCE for me) when creating their article? Currently there is no option to make bold, underline, or anything even basic to enhance the article once published. This makes for a rather boring and blocking article regardless of content.
The 2nd question is how to get the Media to link to an article. My authors can create and submit their media, but for some reason they are not able to link their media to their articles. I can do that in the back end for them. I am not anxious to provide all my authors the ability to utilize the back end, so I'm wondering if I'm missing a setting that allows them the ability to do that from the front end as being the Author?
Thank you.