I have two questions. I have uploaded a logo instead of text, but it is showing very small on the screen. How can I fix this?
Second. In the "CASE STUDIES". I don't want the pictures to be clickable. Is it possible to do it?
Hi ramazanb
Please provide a super user account to your backend administrator page and we will help you with correct suggestions to achieve what you need.
Take a look HERE Point-5 to see how to keep your info Private.
pavit Done mate
ramazanb Kindly check now. Ensure to clear your browser cache if changes dont reflect.
1) Have added this to custom.css file :
.logo-image img{max-height: 100% !important;}
2) Have made some changes in php snippet in /acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-2.php
aman204 Thanks mate.
1) is working.
2) still not working, I can still click on the slide and be redirected to the front page.
ramazanb Hi
You may check now for 2) as have made some changes in code snippet of specific override file
aman204 Works great now! Thanks mate! How did you do it?
ramazanb How did you do it?
Had made the edits in this file : /html/mod_articles_latest/slide.php