For the style customization like this, you can use Google Chrome or Firefox inspect element. What I usually do is hover on any HTML element (i.e. button, tag, text, …) you want and right click on it and then click on inspect element, it will show you which CSS/LESS class it is using and which CSS/LESS file and the path to this element on the right side. then you can go to the file and replace it with new CSS/LESS you change.
If you want to change in CSS, just add your custom CSS code into the file: root/templates/ja_teline_v (your default template)/css/custom.css
For example, on homepage of Uber template, it includes several sections and you will need to change background for different sections on homepage of your site, try with this custom CSS code:
.sections-wrap .section, .sections-wrap .t3-module {
background-color: #000000; /*change to your desired color*/