Hello I'm using the Grid GK5 module in the gkphoto template.
I manage to add the images to the grid positions through making a custom html with images but the images are cropping and not resizing...
Any idea on how to do it?
Kind regards
avashiva Hi. Please tell me the url to the page where I will be able to see this issue.
teitbite http://gastrowu.com/index.php/galeria
Thank you
avashiva Hi. Please try add this to css:
img { max-width: 100%; }
teitbite Hi! thank for the fast reply. I add it in overrides and still the same. Is the right please to add it right? (override is ON)
avashiva Hi. Are You sure it is not working? I can see it just fine right now.
teitbite Hi teitbite. The things is that I have to adjust everypicture to the size of the grid proportions...
if the picture is lets say higher than the grid it wont resize well it will just crop. Thats why you can see it well now I guess. It is supposed to work like this?
I think playing with the heigh/width feature it can work
avashiva Hi. Indeed, my style fix would shrink images to fit to the widths of grid box and may be leaving a space under the image, so preparing image size would be the best option. As default it was intentional to cut edges and fit the image to height of the box.