Wow, thanks Pavit, it works just great. Just wondering why changing the font color cancels the mouse over for the font but not when I change the background color of the fa icons.
So the result is that the accordion items fonts don't change color when I mouse over, but the + icon still does. Any idea how to restore the mouse over for the font? I'm changing the site url so you can see the website with the latest changes including new template (I'm not 100% sure to keep that accordion bg color, I need a better palette).
Also, I'm not sure I understand the link for the closed item. Is it possible to use the custom.css as well or would I have to modify the php file? If so, then I'll just leave it. I'm not comfortable with touching the php files at all.
And since I'm at it, I'm trying something else too. I don't like that the slide-down menus (and future mega menus) are black in the SmallBiz template. I can't find all the right elements to add in the custom.css to make the slide-down my brand color. If you could show me what to do that would be fantastic. I'm still a css tweaker more than a creator 😁
Thanks so much for your help, sincerely, Joanie