I'm configuring the Latest Event module to show in the home page the events, but also using your Custom Format String it only show the event image (don't show all the info like title, start-end time and location, see the following image)
Instead, the Date range Menu show all such above information (see the following image)
My question is:
Seeing that I've installed the template starting from scratch (not using the quickstart), there is a modification to be applied to some CSS?
Note: In the JEvents Latest Event documentation is said that "this CSS is to be applied to your Site's template's CSS", and is shown the following code:
div.jevth {float:left;margin:0px 5px 5px 0px;width:120px;} div.jevth a.ev_link_row {text-align:center;display:block;} div.jevth img {margin:0px auto;}
.jeventslatest img, .mod_events_latest_table img {float:left;margin:0px 2px 2px 0px;width:50px;}
.mod_events_latest_table {width:225px;}
If I should apply such above code, can you tell me please what file is to modify and where?
Thanks in advance