Hi, just successfully upgraded from version 1.1.0 to version 1.1.2 and while the zoomlevel set to 14 it shows the max zoom level (18) at frontend. We can set it to any other level but changes nothing.
It should load the plugin's default when nothing extra is declared

Wow! Putting the modified code into a module does nothing:
{jaosmap zoom='14' }{/jaosmap}

    Kindly edit fields in first post https://cl.ly/3y3R0p24250G
    and submit a temp super user login for staff also let me know the module ID you used to show the map on site.
    I will check it on your site.


      3 months later

      I raised the issue details to development team on this, I will update you here once i get any feedback on this.

      Thanks in advance for your patience.



        With map don't have the param inside the code.
        The map will take default param in the plugin

        And with the default center option set to all in the plugin.
        The zoom will disable.

        I edited center option to difference value.
        You could edit the params inside the code now.


          5 months later

          Hi, any news? Hopefully the dev team solved it for now! 😉
          Please! Ninja
          (It is an other site with the GK University quickstart but the same issue: lat/long works but zoom and others not. So annoying again...)

          Mo0nlight With map don't have the param inside the code.
          The map will take default param in the plugin

          Did you checked the changes done by team member?
          You need to edit the map same way for other site.

            Honestly, it was not clear for me what @moonlight wrote.
            I am a bit disappointed after years of using more map extension by JA.
            None of them were working out of the box nor the documentation was accurate enough for any low IQ user like me. The result always arrived by extra coding of your stock file with or without your help.

            Well, back to this current issue... Even I modified the plugin parameters, even created a module with new parameters, even added the parameters to the contact's misc. info. the result was not shown.

            First of all the ability of setting the zoom level would be fine.

              In contact Misc information you added this code

              {jaosmap }{/jaosmap}

              this is default map code and it use default zoom level.
              In map plugin there is option to select the zoom code http://prntscr.com/p9l7k3
              Copy this code and use it in contact http://prntscr.com/p9l7wq
              For the custom Map title style, Kindly check the API key must be valid and assigned to the current domain name.

                Hi pankaj! Just updated the credentials, please check it!
                As I wrote earlier it is an other install now but with the same issue. The previous one (with the initial credential) seems to be using the default code BUT surprisingly it points to the right place with the wanted zoom level. Nonsense. :/

                  As i checked its a different site now.
                  Also on the contanct page of current site i can see the Zoom level is working http://prntscr.com/p9q8p4
                  Can you share screenshot of issue your side?
                  and let me know what level you want to set, at the moment its 1.

                    Ohh! It was really seemed to zoom "1" when I checked. 🙂
                    I set it to zoom "7" some minutes ago and still worked.
                    Now set it to zoom "14" but remained zoom "7", also tried to set back zoom "1" but remained zoom "7".
                    No browser cache. All cleared. Full reload. Checked on two different PC. 🙁
                    p.s. I set it in the plugin.

                      Ninja Thank you pankaj! It seems to be working now.
                      I did it several times earlier but did not worked. It also seemed automatic that if I set the it in the plugin and not set in the module then the module will call and show what set in the plugin.

                      Ninja locked the discussion.
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