i dont like the navigation of my template
i use JA Healthcare theme

and when i add colomn, it'S not larger...for sub-menu...how can we play on width?
i would like to have full wide menu, or no gap becose if we are not right with mouse, the submenu disappears
very not attractive for sub-menu, can you help me?
i dont like th

    rosaliesimple To be more precise and avoid confusion/ambiguity in addressing your query, Can you provide some site link or example showing the sub-menu styling you are looking forward to.

    Also, Do you wish to precisely refer to Sub-menu level one, two or three ?

    i'm looking for something in only one box

    level one in left, 2 and 3 at right...100% width?


    all in the same rectangle and third level at right of second...

      i do not understand your last reply, could tell me how you want to display the submenu ?
      Add description in screenshot and point the changes, so i can check your request.


      hi, i'm sorry to be unclear

      for now, it'S like that

      every menu in his box
      cancer > sub menu intro is in another box with padding...

      i want it like that:

      only one rectangle background
      menu cancer in left > intro in center...and place in right for my other level...

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