Is it possible to move logo on top bar only on small devices?
Thank you
ismocan Hi The logo will not move on top because its defined in main nav. In this case you can add logo to topbar positions in custom html module and hide it in PC view so it will show only in mobile. and hide default logo in mobile view
Thank you for this suggestion Pankaj, but the problems begins here, what'S the correct code. So is it possible that you share the code that i need.
ismocan Hi. You should use a code like:
@media only screen and (min-width:768px) { .ja-topbar .custom { display: none; } }
Please check this, it is the same thing that i want. (only i don't want it to be centered) https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/9862-logo-on-the-top-bar-in-mobiles. Pankaj did solve the problem, but i can't see how. So can u share the codes or can u apply some custom work for me, too?
ismocan Hi In other example thread, the user was not using the topbar so its easy for me to move the code. But on your site you have the off-canvas module on the topbar in PC view as well and in mobile there is search module. I moved only small logo code in topbar you can find my changes in /tpls/blocks/header.php and take a backup of it. http://prntscr.com/mkc5is
Ninja Hi Pankaj,
Thank you. On mobile the topbar is perfect now. But on desktop, the topbar is effected by your code and it doesn't look as it should.
ismocan But on desktop, the topbar is effected by your code and it doesn't look as it should.
Try add this to custom.css file :
@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {.ja-topbar .logo .logo-image{display:none !important;}}
Kindly ensure to clear your browser cache if changes dont reflect.
aman204 Thank you. It's ok now.