i wrote the code into the override.css. But there is no right action. without modul in sidebar right it looks like: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/component/k2/itemlist/user/542-fairtradefloyd with module in sidebar right (or left - its the same problem) it looks like: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/shop/itemlist/user/486-juliag
hubert0070 Hi I could not access your site at my location : http://prntscr.com/mi6sle Can you unblock my IP Location : India
Can you reach the site now ?
hubert0070 Can you reach the site now ?
Can access the site now. To be more precise and avoid confusion/ambiguity in addressing your relative issue, Kindly provide screenshot marked with annotations showing as to how you wish to have the specific section seen
http://prntscr.com/mjh16r the article under user content are in left sided The two rows should be more centered like http://prntscr.com/mjh2n9
On GK News 2 demo site, we use a menu item for K2 User page, you can try to create a new menu item, type of "K2 > User page (blog)" (screenshot)
Same problem when i create an menu item. And i cannot create menu item for more then 100 users. The User Page look like this: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/witchrider
And New: the user pagination is not shown correct and there is a main menue shown in the footer... that looks fine on mobile view and should be on every site in mobile view. But not in desktop view
hubert0070 Hi
Kindly review as the site is again returning with 403-forbidden error as stated earlier too henceforth unable to take closer look
now it works ...
hubert0070 The site is accessible now however the user page, is returning with 404 error now due to which unable to review the relative issue. Ref: Screenshot
Sorry - Webhost made restore from backup every day.... a bug in backup mode.... Now it should be works
hubert0070 Now it should be works
Still the same. Kindly review as the user page isnt accessible
The same problem is in some Tag Views:
correct: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/bands/musikvideos/besten-musikvideos/itemlist/tag/Akustik wrong: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/bands/musikvideos/besten-musikvideos/itemlist/tag/ALTERNATIVE
hubert0070 Try add this to override.css file (don't forget to enable override from Template Options -> Advanced tab):
section#k2Container .itemContainer .itemsContainerWrap{width: 462px !important;}
Kindly ensure to clear your browser cache if changes dont reflect.
not realy works
the same at tag view http://prntscr.com/ml6vmz
hubert0070 You may check now. Ref: Screenshot
more better. thx. but in - some screens the cut the second collumne http://prntscr.com/mlg075
and without sidebar module it looks like http://prntscr.com/mlg1l2
hubert0070 You may check now. Had added @media query CSS for certain breakpoint instead which would not adapt specific CSS rule for screen size below 1300px
it works better.... but not correct. sorry.
1.) User view - for example: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/component/k2/itemlist/user/493-awalkinapark the two columns are left sided - (in explorer in mozilla and also chrome)
2.) Tag View - for example: https://styrian.bandsupport.at/bands/musikvideos/itemlist/tag/CROSSOVER - Explorer shows left sided - mozilla cut the 2nd row (~30 % from right) - - Chrome : some of the tags show the columns correct and some not (also after clearing cache and browser cache) - wrong: http://prntscr.com/mmnt1e correct: http://prntscr.com/mmnti1
if i set the browser zoom to 90 % - every columns in tag view show correctly. Is this helpful ? the user items view are also not correct shown... but i can live with them
I can't access the tag view page, could you check again?